Hi All-
I was hoping to gather some insight in how the hadoop (and or hive) job
scheduler distributes mappers per user. I am running into an issue where I
see that hadoop (and or hive) is evenly distributing mappers per user
instead of per job.

For example:
-We have 1000 mapper capacity
-10 Jobs are running  total under User A
-Each job is using 100 mappers
-User B starts a job
-User B's job is allocated 250 mappers
-User A's jobs decrease to 75 mappers each instead of 100

What could be causing this allocation to occur by user and job, instead of
just by job. I reviewed the hive/hadoop documentation and wasn't able to
find any references to distributing jobs by user.

All of the jobs are being executed within the hive shell, or using the hive


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