That class is:


On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 10:55 PM, Tim Robertson

> It's been ages since I wrote one, but the differences to mine:
> a) I use LongWritable:  public LongWritable evaluate(LongWritable startAt)
> {
> b) I have annotations on the class (but I think they are just for docs)
> @Description(name = "row_sequence",
>   value = "_FUNC_() - Returns a generated row sequence number starting
> from 1")
> @UDFType(deterministic = false)
> public class UDFRowSequence extends UDF {
> Hope this helps!
> Tim
> On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 10:47 PM, Yang <> wrote:
>> I wrote a super simple UDF, but got some errors:
>> UDF:
>> package yy;
>> import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.UDF;
>> import java.util.Random;
>> import java.util.UUID;
>> import*;
>> public class MyUdf extends UDF {
>>         static Random rand = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis() +
>> Thread.currentThread().getId()* 1000000);
>>         String name = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName();
>>         long startValue = Long.valueOf(name.replaceAll("[^\\d]+", "")) *
>> 10000 + Thread.currentThread().getId() * 1000;
>>         public long evaluate(long x ) {
>>                 //return (long)UUID.randomUUID().hashCode();
>>                 //return rand.nextLong();
>>                 return startValue++;
>>          }
>> }
>> sql script:
>> select gen_uniq2(field1), field2
>> from yy_mapping limit 10;
>> field1 is bigint, field2 is int
>> error:
>> hive> source aa.sql;
>> Added ./MyUdf.jar to class path
>> Added resource: ./MyUdf.jar
>> OK
>> Time taken: 0.0070 seconds
>> FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10014]: Line 2:7 Wrong arguments
>> 'field1': No matching method for class yy.MyUdf with (bigint). Possible
>> choices: _FUNC_()
>> so I'm declaring a UDF with arg of long, so that should work for a bigint
>> (more importantly it's complaining not long vs bigint, but bigint vs void
>> ). I tried changing both to int, same failure
>> thanks!
>> yang

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