I'm trying to create a subset of a large table for testing.  The following 
approach works:

create table subset_table as
select * from large_table limit 1000

...but it only uses one reducer.  I would like to speed up the process of 
creating a subset but distributing across multiple reducers.  I already tried 
explicitly setting mapred.reduce.tasks and hive.exec.reducers.max to values 
larger than 1, but in this particular case, those values seem to be over-ridden 
by Hive's internal query->to->mapreduce conversion; it ignores those parameters.

So, I tried this:

create table subset_table as
select * from large_table limit 1000
distribute by column_name

...but that doesn't parse.  I get the following error:

OK FAILED: ParseException line 3:0 missing EOF at 'distribute' near '1000'.

I have tried NUMEROUS applications of parentheses, nested queries, etc.  For 
example, here's just one (amongst perhaps ten variations on a theme):

create table subset_table as
select * from (
from (
select * from large_table limit 1000
distribute by column_name
)) s

Like I said, I've tried all sorts of combinations of the elements shown above.  
So far I have not even gotten any syntax to parse, much less run.  Only the 
original query at the top will even pass the parsing stage of processing.

Any ideas?


Keith Wiley     kwi...@keithwiley.com     keithwiley.com    music.keithwiley.com

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with
sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."
                                           --  Galileo Galilei

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