I have the requirement trying to support in hive, not sure if it is doable.
I have the hadoop 1.1.1 with Hive 0.9.0 (Using deby as the meta store)
If I partition my data by a dt column, so if my table 'foo' have some 
partitions like 'dt=2013-07-01' to 'dt=2013-07-30'.
Now the user want to query all the data of Saturday only.
To make it flexiable, instead of asking end user to find out what date in that 
month are Saturday, I add a lookup table (just called it 'bar') in the HIVE 
with following columns:
year, month, day, dt_format, week_of_day
So I want to see if I can join with foo and bar to still get the partition 
select *from foojoin baron (bar.year=2013 and bar.month=7 and bar.day_of_week=6 
and bar.dt_foramt = foo.dt)
I tried several ways, like switch the table order, join with subquery etc, none 
of them will make partition pruning works in this case on table foo. 
Can this really archivable in hive?

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