Hello Hive Champs,

I have a case statement, where I need to check the date passed through

If date is 1st date of the month then keep it as it as
set the parameter date to 1st date of the month.

and then later opretation are being performed on that date into hive quries,

I have wrote this Hive QL

*select case when as_of_dt = ${hivevar:as_of_dt} then ${hivevar:as_of_dt}
else date_sub(${hivevar:as_of_dt} , (day(${hivevar:as_of_dt} )) -1 ) end as
as_of_dt from TABLE group by as_of_dt ;*

O/P of this query is, lets say =  2012-08-01

I want to store the value of this Query into a variable.


MY_VARIABLE = (*select case when as_of_dt = ${hivevar:as_of_dt} then
${hivevar:as_of_dt} else date_sub(${hivevar:as_of_dt} ,
(day(${hivevar:as_of_dt} )) -1 ) end as as_of_dt from TABLE group by
as_of_dt; )*

How to achieve that.

Pls suggest,
Thanks in advance

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