I have a partitioned table  on timestamp_dt:

> desc daily_count_per_kg_domain;
ddnamesyskg     string
totalcount      int
timestamp_dt    string

hive> select * from daily_count_per_kg_domain;
sys_kg_band     224     20140219
sys_kg_event    3435    20140219
sys_kg_movies   44987   20140219
sys_kg_oly      4172    20140219
sys_kg_sp_countr        5499    20140219
sys_kg_sports   3954    20140219
sys_kg_tv       21387   20140219
sys_kg_venue    152     20140219
sys_kgathlete   9000    20140219
sys_kgpeople    300064  20140219

Looking to compute percentages for each row, (per day):

100* totalcount / sum(totalcount)

Intuitively i tried :
> select totalcount / sum(totalcount) from daily_count_per_kg_domain where timestamp_dt = '20140219' ;

FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10025]: Line 1:7 Expression not in GROUP BY key 'totalcount'

I am not sure what group by on totalcount means..

Any ides ?

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