
I'm very, very new to Hadoop, Hive, etc. and I have to import data into
hive tables.

Environment: Amazon EMR, S3, etc.

The input file is on S3 and I copied it into my HDFS.

1. flat table with one column and loaded data into it:

  CREATE TABLE mdmp_raw_data (json_record STRING);
  LOAD DATA INPATH 'hdfs:///input-api/1403181319.json' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE
That worked, I can access some data, like this:

SELECT d.carrier, d.language, d.country
  FROM mdmp_raw_data a LATERAL VIEW json_tuple(a.data, 'requestTimestamp',
'context') b    AS requestTimestamp, context
  LATERAL VIEW json_tuple(b.context, 'locale') c AS locale
  LATERAL VIEW json_tuple(c.locale, 'carrier', 'language', 'country') d AS
carrier, language, country
  LIMIT 1;

Result: o2 - de Deutsch Deutschland

I can also select the array at once:

SELECT b.requestTimestamp, b.batch
  FROM mdmp_raw_data a
  LATERAL VIEW json_tuple(a.data, 'requestTimestamp', 'batch') b AS
requestTimestamp, batch
  LIMIT 1;
This will give me:

joy."}}, ...]

This "batch" may contain n events will a structure like above.

I want to put all events in a table where each "element" will be stored in
a unique column: timestamp, requestId, sessionId, event, userId, action,
context, properties

2. explode the "batch" I read a lot about SerDe, etc. - but I don't get it.

- I tried to create a table with an array and load the data into it -
several errors
use explode in query but it doesn't accept "batch" as array
- integrated several SerDes but get things like "unknown function jspilt"
- I'm lost in too many documents, howtos, etc. and could need some

Thank you in advance!

Best, Chris

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