  I was using hive client to submit jobs. I used to submit multiple jobs ( 
multiple hive clients ex: nohup hive -f job1.hql , nohup hive -f job2.hql etc). 
All these jobs I used to see in application tracker immediately and used to run 

Same I am trying to do with beeline client. Submitted multiple beeline client 
jobs . Below are the examples. I can see only one job running/submitted to 
application tracker. But on my client machine I can see multiple beeline client 
processes. How can I submit multiple parallel jobs using beeline client. So 
that my cluster resources better utilized.

nohup beeline -u jdbc:hive2://<hostname>:10000#ptotoCurrentTS=1403456400 -n 
<user> -p hive -d org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver   -f 
./hql-hbase-v2/job1_beeline.hql &
nohup beeline -u jdbc:hive2://<hostname>:10000#ptotoCurrentTS=1403457300 -n 
<user> -p hive -d org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver   -f 
./hql-hbase-v2/job1_beeline.hql &
nohup beeline -u jdbc:hive2://<hostname>:10000#ptotoCurrentTS=1403458200 -n 
<user> -p hive -d org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver   -f 
./hql-hbase-v2/job1_beeline.hql &


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