Hi, I'm trying to submit a MapReduce job through webhcat using the templeton/v1/mapreduce/jar path. My job depends on third party libraries. I have tried a lot of things such as using the libjars FormParam (the jar is located on HDFS), but it doesn't work, I got ClassNotFoundException.
I've workaround my issue merging the job jar and the dependencies jars, but doing that is not really possible with my use case. Can you please let me know if what I'm trying to do is possible ? I am able to make the same job work, using the ToolRunner API (with the -libjars parameter) without any problem. Thanks a lot in advance, Remy Dubois Component team manager and Big Data principal Tel +33 1 46 25 06 00 | Mobile +33 6 11 73 56 72 | Email rdub...@talend.com<mailto:rdub...@talend.com> | Skype remy.dubois.talend Talend SA | 9, rue Pagès - 92150 Suresnes - France | +33 1 46 25 06 00 | www.talend.com<http://www.talend.com> Global Leader in Open Source Integration [http://www.talend.com/sites/default/files/logo-talend.jpg]<http://www.talend.com/>