I want to write to a new ORC file from a map/reduce job outside of Hive.

I’d like to setup a job without using the format like this:

But instead specify:

And in the reducer, specify the filename, iterate through the results, and 
close the file at the end.

Something akin to:

    public void reduce(final Text key, final Iterable<MyClass> myClasses, final 
Context context)  {
RecordWriter orcWriter = new OrcNewOutputFormat().getRecordWriter(context);
for (MyClass myClass : myClasses) {
orcWriter = new OrcNewOutputFormat().getRecordWriter(context);

But there is no public constructor for OrcNewOutputFormat to specify the 
filename I’d like.

Am I missing something, or does anyone know how to specify the filename?

Thank you,
Robert Towne

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