On 12/6/14, 10:11 PM, Daniel Haviv wrote:

Isn't there a way to make hive allocate more than one reducer for the whole 
job? Maybe one
per partition.


hive.optimize.sort.dynamic.partition=true; does nearly that.

It raises the net number of useful reducers to total-num-of-partitions x total-num-buckets.

If you have say, data being written into six hundred partitions with 1 bucket each, it can use anywhere between 1 and 600 reducers (hashcode collisions causing skews, of course).

It's turned off by default, because it really slows down the 1 partition without buckets insert speed.


On 7 בדצמ׳ 2014, at 06:06, Gopal V <gop...@apache.org> wrote:

On 12/6/14, 6:27 AM, Daniel Haviv wrote:
I'm executing an insert statement that goes over 1TB of data.
The map phase goes well but the reduce stage only used one reducer which becomes
a great bottleneck.

Are you inserting into a bucketed or sorted table?

If the destination table is bucketed + partitioned, you can use the dynamic 
sort optimization to get beyond the single reducer.


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