All locks in Hive are on database, table, or partition level. There are no row level locks. When using DbTxnManager the locking is chosen to be as fine grained as possible (ie only partitions are locked when we can a priori know the partitions that will be used in the query).


Mich Talebzadeh <>
April 8, 2015 at 14:45


Thanks for all the useful info. I managed to set up hive concurrency using Oracle Metastore for Hive. Had to modify / script in order to drop the existing tables as I had created the metastore with initially.

All the transactions seem to behave as expected (meaning conforming to behaviour expected from an ACID compliant RDBMS). Except a question that comes to mind with locking when deleting all rows from the table (as opposed to truncating the table)

I created a test table

create table txtest (col1 int, col2 varchar(30)) clustered by (col1) into 10 buckets STORED AS orc TBLPROPERTIES('transactional'='true');

Inserted 10 rows and updatedstats

insert into table txtest values (1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c'),(4,'d'),(5,'e'),(6,'f'),(7,'f'),(8,'g'),(9,'h'),(10,'i');

analyse table txtest compute statistics;

Updated three columns followed by a single column

update txtest set col2 = col2 where col1 in (1,3,5);

update txtest set col2 = 'row1' where col1 = 1;

From another session looked at locks

show locks;


| lockid | database | table | partition | lock_state | lock_type | transaction_id | last_heartbeat | acquired_at | user | hostname |


| Lock ID | Database | Table | Partition | State | Type | Transaction ID | Last Hearbeat | Acquired At | User | Hostname |

| 21 | oraclehadoop | txtest | NULL | ACQUIRED | SHARED_WRITE | 6 | 1428525777008 | 1428525774206 | hduser | rhes564 |


Now see what happens if we try to delete two different rows from two different sessions concurrently (well almost)

Session 1

hive> delete from txtest where col1 = 10;

Session 2

delete from txtest where col1 = 4;

The locks are shown below

show locks;


| lockid | database | table | partition | lock_state | lock_type | transaction_id | last_heartbeat | acquired_at | user | hostname |


| Lock ID | Database | Table | Partition | State | Type | Transaction ID | Last Hearbeat | Acquired At | User | Hostname |

| 23 | oraclehadoop | txtest | NULL | ACQUIRED | SHARED_WRITE | 7 | 1428526836905 | 1428526833132 | hduser | rhes564 |

| 24 | oraclehadoop | txtest | NULL | WAITING | SHARED_WRITE | 8 | 1428526865246 | NULL | hduser | rhes564 |


Now _delete all rows_ from the table

hive> delete from txtest;

0: jdbc:hive2://rhes564:10010/default> show locks;


| lockid | database | table | partition | lock_state | lock_type | transaction_id | last_heartbeat | acquired_at | user | hostname |


| Lock ID | Database | Table | Partition | State | Type | Transaction ID | Last Hearbeat | Acquired At | User | Hostname |

| 25 | oraclehadoop | txtest | NULL | ACQUIRED | SHARED_WRITE | 9 | 1428527740870 | 1428527737658 | hduser | rhes564 |


The question I have is if we delete from the whole table it seems that "only" one lock is applied to whole table. Does that mean a full table lock rather that locks for every row deleted?


Mich Talebzadeh


Author of the books*"A Practitioner's Guide to Upgrading to Sybase**ASE 15", **ISBN 978-0-9563693-0-7*.

co-author *"Sybase Transact SQL Guidelines Best Practices", ISBN 978-0-9759693-0-4*

_Publications due shortly:_

*Creating in-memory Data Grid for Trading Systems with Oracle TimesTen and Coherence Cache*

*Oracle and Sybase, Concepts and Contrasts*, ISBN:978-0-9563693-1-4, volume one out shortly

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