Using CDH 5.3 - Hive 0.13.  Does a view help here?  Does how i format the
table help in reducing size?


On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 11:07 AM, Gopal Vijayaraghavan <>

> Hi,
> > its submitting the whole table to the job.  if I use a view with the
> >filter
> > baked in, will that help?  I don't want to have to jack up the JVM for
> >the
> > client/HiveServer2 to accommodate the full table.
> Which hive version are you using?
> If you¹re on a recent version like hive-1.0, this should be a map-reduce
> only problem.
> The LocalTask in map-reduce will download the entire table to the local
> task for processing on the HiveServer2 gateway nodes.
> Tez has a broadcast edge designed to fix exactly this sort of scalability
> problem (i.e HiveServer2 machines dying of CPU).
> Cheers,
> Gopal

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