What about outer lateral view?

On Wed, May 20, 2015 at 11:28 AM, matshyeq <matsh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> From my experience SparkSQL is still way faster than tez.
> Also, SparkSQL (even 1.2.1 which I'm on) supports *lateral view*
> On Wed, May 20, 2015 at 3:41 PM, Edward Capriolo <edlinuxg...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Beyond window queries, hive still has concepts like cube or lateral view
>> that many "better than hive" systems don't have.
>> Also now many people went around broadcasting SparkSQL/SparkSQL was/is
>> better/faster than hive but now that tez has "whooped" them in a benchmark
>> they are very quite.
>> http://www.quora.com/What-do-the-people-who-answered-Quora-questions-about-Spark-being-faster-than-Hive-say-now-that-Hortonworks-claims-that-Hive-on-Tez-is-faster-than-Spark
>> On Wed, May 20, 2015 at 9:50 AM, Dragga, Christopher <
>> chris.dra...@netapp.com> wrote:
>>>  While I’ve not experimented with the most recent versions of SparkSQL,
>>> earlier releases could not cope with intermediate result sets that exceeded
>>> the available memory; Hive handles this sort of situation much more
>>> gracefully.  If you have a smallish cluster and large data, this could pose
>>> a problem.  Still, it’s worth looking into SparkSQL to see if this is still
>>> an issue.
>>> -Chris Dragga
>>> *From:* Uli Bethke [mailto:uli.bet...@sonra.io]
>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 20, 2015 7:04 AM
>>> *To:* user@hive.apache.org
>>> *Subject:* Re: Hive on Spark VS Spark SQL
>>> Interesting question and one that I have asked myself. If you are
>>> already heavily invested in the Hive ecosystem in terms of code and skills
>>> I would look at Hive on Spark as my engine. In theory swapping out engines
>>> (MR, TEZ, Spark) should be easy. Even though the devil is in the detail.
>>> SparkSQL supports a broad subset of HiveQL (some esoteric features are
>>> not supported). Crucially in my opinion SparkSQL 1.4 will also introduce
>>> windowing functions. If starting out on a greenfield site I would
>>> exclusively look at SparkSQL.
>>>  On 20/05/2015 06:38, guoqing0...@yahoo.com.hk wrote:
>>>  Hive on Spark and SparkSQL which should be better , and what are the
>>> key characteristics and the advantages and the disadvantages between ?
>>>  ------------------------------
>>> guoqing0...@yahoo.com.hk
>>>  --
>>> ___________________________
>>> Uli Bethke
>>> Co-founder Sonra
>>> p: +353 86 32 83 040
>>> w: www.sonra.io
>>> l: linkedin.com/in/ulibethke
>>> t: twitter.com/ubethke
>>> Chair Hadoop User Group Ireland:
>>> http://www.meetup.com/hadoop-user-group-ireland/

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