"SELECT StartIp, EndIp, Country FROM ipv4geotable” should have been
rewritten as a scan against index table.

BitMap Indexes seems to support inequalities (<=, <, >=).

Post the explain plan.

On 6/26/15, 8:56 PM, "Gopal Vijayaraghavan" <gop...@apache.org> wrote:

>Hive indexes won¹t really help you speed up that query right now, because
>of the plan it generates due to the <= clauses.
>> CREATETABLE ipv4table
>> AS
>> SELECT logon.IP, ipv4.Country
>> (SELECT * FROM logontable WHERE isIpv4(IP)) logon
>> (SELECT StartIp, EndIp, Country FROM ipv4geotable) ipv4 ON
>> isIpv4(logon.IP)
>> WHERE ipv4.StartIp <=logon.IP AND logon.IP <= ipv4.EndIp;
>That¹s a cross-product join, which can¹t be distributed at all & will take
>forever, even if you use Tez/LLAP.
>Range join queries have partial distribution rewrites, but AFAIK none of
>them use filter indexes in hive.
>But before I suggest a rewrite, can you post the ³explain <query>;² for
>the above query, so that I can check if this is indeed producing a
>cross-product + filter?

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