From a Tez perspective, there was a major compatibility change between Tez 0.4 
and Tez 0.5. However, Tez-0.7.x and Tez-0.6.x are compatible with Tez-0.5.x. 

I believe Hive 0.13 is compatible only with Tez 0.4. 
For Hive 0.14 onwards ( including the Hive-1.x. releases ), they should work 
with anything in the range of Tez versions: 0.5.2 <= x <= 0.7.x .  

— Hitesh

On Jul 7, 2015, at 10:12 AM, Jim Green <> wrote:

> Hi Team,
> Is there any Hive <-> Tez support matrix?
> For example, Hive 1.2 should be on Tez which version?
> Tez 0.5.3 only supports which versions of Hive?
> etc…
> My understanding is that it does not matter which version of Hive and which 
> version of Tez.
> -- 
> Thanks,
> (Open KnowledgeBase for Hadoop/Database/OS/Network/Tool)

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