Just a follow-up on the issue.
It was really happening because of using AVERAGE() instead of AVG().
Sorry, but the error was mis-leading (It did not tell me that function name
is invalid).
I had borrowed the query from a benchmark spec, and they had used AVERAGE
in their sql statements, and I failed to fix it for HiveQL.

On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 5:03 PM, James Pirz <james.p...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am using Hive 1.2, and I am trying to run some queries based on TPCH
> schema. My original query is:
> FROM customer JOIN nation
> for which I get:
> FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10025]: Line 1:15 Expression not in GROUP
> BY key 'C_ACCTBAL'
> It does not really make sense, as I am running an aggregation on an
> attribute which is not part of the group-by clause, which makes sure that
> each group eventually gets one single value for the output. In Hive's
> language manual we see that:
> ( https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/LanguageManual+GroupBy
> )
> " … When using group by clause, the select statement can only include
> columns included in the group by clause. Of course, you can have as many
> aggregation functions (e.g. count) in the select statement as well."
> and the example there is similar to what I have.
> I even simplified the query, and dropped the join, but it did not make a
> difference:
> FROM customer
> FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10025]: Line 1:20 Expression not in GROUP
> BY key 'C_ACCTBAL'
> Can you please let me know if I am missing something here and this
> behavior is expected or not ?
> In case you need it, the schema for the tables looks like:
> hive> describe customer;
> OK
> c_custkey           int
> c_name               string
> c_address           string
> c_phone             string
> c_acctbal           double
> c_mktsegment         string
> c_comment           string
> c_nationkey         int
> hive> describe nation;
> OK
> n_nationkey         int
> n_name               string
> n_regionkey         int
> n_comment           string
> Thanks.

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