
I have a query that used to work fine previously. I am testing on hive 1.1
now and it is failing. The AWS access and secret key have permissions to
read and write data to this directory. The directory exists.

hive -e " insert overwrite directory
's3n://<access_key>:<secret_key>@my_bucket/a/b/2015-07-30' SELECT * FROM
my_table WHERE date='2015-07-30';"

The errors that I get are:

1) I believe this is a non-critical error by reading the hive archives.
Logging initialized using configuration in
-chgrp: '' does not match expected pattern for group
Usage: hadoop fs [generic options] -chgrp [-R] GROUP PATH...

2) This, I believe is critical and the query fails:
Moving data to:
Failed with exception Wrong FS:
expected: hdfs://somemachine.qe1.blah.com:8020
FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from

Do you have any advice how I can fix this? Is this a known issue?


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