
I have been trying out the Hive Accumulo Manager as described here 
and it seems to work as advertised. Thanks.

However I don't seem to be able to get any sensible results when I have a Hive 
column of type ARRAY<> like ARRAY<INT> or ARRAY<STRING>.
Are Hive columns of ARRAY<> types not supported? If so then how are they stored 
in Accumulo?

Also, although I can get a Hive MAP<STRING,X> to work by using the approach 
where the map key is mapped to the column qualifier
("Using an asterisk in the column mapping string") I don't seem to be able to 
get a Hive MAP stored successfully in any other way.
Is this the only supported way to store Hive MAPs?

I know that I could customise the storage manager to achieve what I want but, 
in the short-term at least, I would like
To know what I can achieve with the Hive Accumulo Storage Manager as is.


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