Hi Edward,

That's possibly due to using unix_timestamp (although the error message seems misleading if that proves true) . It's technically correct it shouldn't be flagged as deterministic because every time you call it you'll get a different answer as time progresses. However reality is I just want it called 1 time which is during planning and if I flag is as deterministic this is exactly what happens so you can do this:

@UDFType(deterministic = true)
public class UnixTimeStamp extends GenericUDFUnixTimeStamp {
// Making the udf deterministic which is kind of cheating but makes partition pruning work.

And then register the udf like you normally would.

If that's not helping do some creative sub-querying might help like
FROM (select * from entry_hourly_v3 where dt=2015101517 ) entry_hourly_v3 INNER JOIN article_meta ON


On 15/10/15 23:06, Edward Capriolo wrote:
So I have strict mode on and I like to keep it that way.

I am trying to do this query.

INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE vertical_stats_recent PARTITION (dt=2015101517)
FROM entry_hourly_v3 INNER JOIN article_meta ON
entry_hourly_v3.entry_id = article_meta.entry_id
INNER JOIN channel_meta ON
channel_meta.section_name = article_meta.channel

WHERE entry_hourly_v3.dt=2015101517
AND article_meta.dt=2015101517
AND channel_meta.hitdate=20151015
AND article_meta.publish_timestamp > ((unix_timestamp() * 1000) - (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 2))

entry_hourly_v3, channel_meta and article_meta are partitioned tables.

*Your query has the following error(s):*

Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10041]: No partition predicate found for Alias "entry_hourly_v3" Table "entry_hourly_v3"

I also tried putting views on the table and I had no luck.

Is there any way I can do this query without turning strict mode off?

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