Thanks for the feedback Alan


It seems that one can do INSERTS with Hive on Spark but no updates or deletes. 
Is this correct?




Mich Talebzadeh


Sybase ASE 15 Gold Medal Award 2008

A Winning Strategy: Running the most Critical Financial Data on ASE 15


Author of the books "A Practitioner’s Guide to Upgrading to Sybase ASE 15", 
ISBN 978-0-9563693-0-7. 

co-author "Sybase Transact SQL Guidelines Best Practices", ISBN 

Publications due shortly:

Complex Event Processing in Heterogeneous Environments, ISBN: 978-0-9563693-3-8

Oracle and Sybase, Concepts and Contrasts, ISBN: 978-0-9563693-1-4, volume one 
out shortly




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message is for the designated recipient only, if you are not the intended 
recipient, you should destroy it immediately. Any information in this message 
shall not be understood as given or endorsed by Peridale Technology Ltd, its 
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therefore neither Peridale Ltd, its subsidiaries nor their employees accept any 


From: Alan Gates [] 
Sent: 22 December 2015 20:39
Subject: Re: Attempt to do update or delete using transaction manager that does 
not support these operations. (state=42000,code=10294)


Also note that transactions only work with MR or Tez as the backend.  The 
required work to have them work with Spark hasn't been done.


 <> Mich Talebzadeh

December 22, 2015 at 9:43

Dropped and created table tt as follows:


drop table if exists tt;

create table tt (

owner                   varchar(30)

,object_name             varchar(30)

,subobject_name          varchar(30)

,object_id               bigint

,data_object_id          bigint

,object_type             varchar(19)

,created                 timestamp

,last_ddl_time           timestamp

,timestamp2               varchar(19)

,status                  varchar(7)

,temporary2              varchar(1)

,generated               varchar(1)

,secondary               varchar(1)

,namespace               bigint

,edition_name            varchar(30)

,padding1                varchar(4000)

,padding2                varchar(3500)

,attribute               varchar(32)

,op_type                 int

,op_time                 timestamp




TBLPROPERTIES ( "orc.compress"="SNAPPY",






"orc.row.index.stride"="10000" )





        , object_name

        , subobject_name

        , object_id

        , data_object_id

        , object_type

        , cast(created AS timestamp)

        , cast(last_ddl_time AS timestamp)

        , timestamp2

        , status

        , temporary2

        , generated

        , secondary

        , namespace

        , edition_name

        , padding1

        , padding2

        , attribute

        , op_type

        , op_time






And tried delete again and got the same error!


delete from tt where exists(select 1 from t where tt.object_id = t.object_id);

Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException [Error 
10294]: Attempt to do update or delete using transaction manager that does not 
support these operations. (state=42000,code=10294)




Mich Talebzadeh


Sybase ASE 15 Gold Medal Award 2008

A Winning Strategy: Running the most Critical Financial Data on ASE 15

Author of the books "A Practitioner’s Guide to Upgrading to Sybase ASE 15", 
ISBN 978-0-9563693-0-7. 

co-author "Sybase Transact SQL Guidelines Best Practices", ISBN 

Publications due shortly:

Complex Event Processing in Heterogeneous Environments, ISBN: 978-0-9563693-3-8

Oracle and Sybase, Concepts and Contrasts, ISBN: 978-0-9563693-1-4, volume one 
out shortly <> 


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therefore neither Peridale Ltd, its subsidiaries nor their employees accept any 


From: Mich Talebzadeh [] 
Sent: 22 December 2015 17:14
To: <> 
Subject: RE: Attempt to do update or delete using transaction manager that does 
not support these operations. (state=42000,code=10294)


Thanks Elliot,


Sounds like that table was created as create table tt as select * from t. 
Although the original table t was created as transactional shown below, the 
table tt is not!


0: jdbc:hive2://rhes564:10010/default> show create table t;


|                       createtab_stmt                        |


| CREATE TABLE `t`(                                           |

|   `owner` varchar(30),                                      |

|   `object_name` varchar(30),                                |

|   `subobject_name` varchar(30),                             |

|   `object_id` bigint,                                       |

|   `data_object_id` bigint,                                  |

|   `object_type` varchar(19),                                |

|   `created` timestamp,                                      |

|   `last_ddl_time` timestamp,                                |

|   `timestamp2` varchar(19),                                 |

|   `status` varchar(7),                                      |

|   `temporary2` varchar(1),                                  |

|   `generated` varchar(1),                                   |

|   `secondary` varchar(1),                                   |

|   `namespace` bigint,                                       |

|   `edition_name` varchar(30),                               |

|   `padding1` varchar(4000),                                 |

|   `padding2` varchar(3500),                                 |

|   `attribute` varchar(32),                                  |

|   `op_type` int,                                            |

|   `op_time` timestamp,                                      |

|   `new_col` varchar(30))                                    |

| CLUSTERED BY (                                              |

|   object_id)                                                |

| INTO 256 BUCKETS                                            |

| ROW FORMAT SERDE                                            |

|   ''               |

| STORED AS INPUTFORMAT                                       |

|   ''         |

| OUTPUTFORMAT                                                |

|   ''        |

| LOCATION                                                    |

|   'hdfs://rhes564:9000/user/hive/warehouse/asehadoop.db/t'  |

| TBLPROPERTIES (                                             |

|   'COLUMN_STATS_ACCURATE'='false',                          |

|   'last_modified_by'='hduser',                              |

|   'last_modified_time'='1449831076',                        |

|   'numFiles'='17',                                          |

|   'numRows'='-1',                                           |

|   'orc.bloom.filter.columns'='object_id',                   |

|   'orc.bloom.filter.fpp'='0.05',                            |

|   'orc.compress'='SNAPPY',                                  |

|   'orc.create.index'='true',                                |

|   'orc.row.index.stride'='10000',                           |

|   'orc.stripe.size'='268435456',                            |

|   'rawDataSize'='-1',                                       |

|   'totalSize'='64438212',                                   |

|   'transactional'='true',                                   |

|   'transient_lastDdlTime'='1449831076')                     |


49 rows selected (0.06 seconds)



Mich Talebzadeh


Sybase ASE 15 Gold Medal Award 2008

A Winning Strategy: Running the most Critical Financial Data on ASE 15

Author of the books "A Practitioner’s Guide to Upgrading to Sybase ASE 15", 
ISBN 978-0-9563693-0-7. 

co-author "Sybase Transact SQL Guidelines Best Practices", ISBN 

Publications due shortly:

Complex Event Processing in Heterogeneous Environments, ISBN: 978-0-9563693-3-8

Oracle and Sybase, Concepts and Contrasts, ISBN: 978-0-9563693-1-4, volume one 
out shortly <> 


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message is for the designated recipient only, if you are not the intended 
recipient, you should destroy it immediately. Any information in this message 
shall not be understood as given or endorsed by Peridale Technology Ltd, its 
subsidiaries or their employees, unless expressly so stated. It is the 
responsibility of the recipient to ensure that this email is virus free, 
therefore neither Peridale Ltd, its subsidiaries nor their employees accept any 


From: Elliot West [] 
Sent: 22 December 2015 16:57
To: <> 
Subject: Re: Attempt to do update or delete using transaction manager that does 
not support these operations. (state=42000,code=10294)




The input/output formats do not appear to be ORC, have you tried 'stored as 
orc'? Additionally you'll need to set the property 'transactional=true' on the 
table. Do you have the original create table statement?


Cheers - Elliot.

On Tuesday, 22 December 2015, Mich Talebzadeh < 
<> > wrote:

 <> Mich Talebzadeh

December 22, 2015 at 9:14

Thanks Elliot,


Sounds like that table was created as create table tt as select * from t. 
Although the original table t was created as transactional shown below, the 
table tt is not!


0: jdbc:hive2://rhes564:10010/default> show create table t;


|                       createtab_stmt                        |


| CREATE TABLE `t`(                                           |

|   `owner` varchar(30),                                      |

|   `object_name` varchar(30),                                |

|   `subobject_name` varchar(30),                             |

|   `object_id` bigint,                                       |

|   `data_object_id` bigint,                                  |

|   `object_type` varchar(19),                                |

|   `created` timestamp,                                      |

|   `last_ddl_time` timestamp,                                |

|   `timestamp2` varchar(19),                                 |

|   `status` varchar(7),                                      |

|   `temporary2` varchar(1),                                  |

|   `generated` varchar(1),                                   |

|   `secondary` varchar(1),                                   |

|   `namespace` bigint,                                       |

|   `edition_name` varchar(30),                               |

|   `padding1` varchar(4000),                                 |

|   `padding2` varchar(3500),                                 |

|   `attribute` varchar(32),                                  |

|   `op_type` int,                                            |

|   `op_time` timestamp,                                      |

|   `new_col` varchar(30))                                    |

| CLUSTERED BY (                                              |

|   object_id)                                                |

| INTO 256 BUCKETS                                            |

| ROW FORMAT SERDE                                            |

|   ''               |

| STORED AS INPUTFORMAT                                       |

|   ''         |

| OUTPUTFORMAT                                                |

|   ''        |

| LOCATION                                                    |

|   'hdfs://rhes564:9000/user/hive/warehouse/asehadoop.db/t'  |

| TBLPROPERTIES (                                             |

|   'COLUMN_STATS_ACCURATE'='false',                          |

|   'last_modified_by'='hduser',                              |

|   'last_modified_time'='1449831076',                        |

|   'numFiles'='17',                                          |

|   'numRows'='-1',                                           |

|   'orc.bloom.filter.columns'='object_id',                   |

|   'orc.bloom.filter.fpp'='0.05',                            |

|   'orc.compress'='SNAPPY',                                  |

|   'orc.create.index'='true',                                |

|   'orc.row.index.stride'='10000',                           |

|   'orc.stripe.size'='268435456',                            |

|   'rawDataSize'='-1',                                       |

|   'totalSize'='64438212',                                   |

|   'transactional'='true',                                   |

|   'transient_lastDdlTime'='1449831076')                     |


49 rows selected (0.06 seconds)



Mich Talebzadeh


Sybase ASE 15 Gold Medal Award 2008

A Winning Strategy: Running the most Critical Financial Data on ASE 15

Author of the books "A Practitioner’s Guide to Upgrading to Sybase ASE 15", 
ISBN 978-0-9563693-0-7. 

co-author "Sybase Transact SQL Guidelines Best Practices", ISBN 

Publications due shortly:

Complex Event Processing in Heterogeneous Environments, ISBN: 978-0-9563693-3-8

Oracle and Sybase, Concepts and Contrasts, ISBN: 978-0-9563693-1-4, volume one 
out shortly <> 


NOTE: The information in this email is proprietary and confidential. This 
message is for the designated recipient only, if you are not the intended 
recipient, you should destroy it immediately. Any information in this message 
shall not be understood as given or endorsed by Peridale Technology Ltd, its 
subsidiaries or their employees, unless expressly so stated. It is the 
responsibility of the recipient to ensure that this email is virus free, 
therefore neither Peridale Ltd, its subsidiaries nor their employees accept any 


From: Elliot West [] 
Sent: 22 December 2015 16:57
To: <> 
Subject: Re: Attempt to do update or delete using transaction manager that does 
not support these operations. (state=42000,code=10294)




The input/output formats do not appear to be ORC, have you tried 'stored as 
orc'? Additionally you'll need to set the property 'transactional=true' on the 
table. Do you have the original create table statement?


Cheers - Elliot.

On Tuesday, 22 December 2015, Mich Talebzadeh < 
<> > wrote:

 <> Elliot West

December 22, 2015 at 8:57



The input/output formats do not appear to be ORC, have you tried 'stored as 
orc'? Additionally you'll need to set the property 'transactional=true' on the 
table. Do you have the original create table statement?


Cheers - Elliot.

On Tuesday, 22 December 2015, Mich Talebzadeh < 
<> > wrote:

 <> Mich Talebzadeh

December 22, 2015 at 8:39



I am trying this code on table tt defined as an ORC table


0: jdbc:hive2://rhes564:10010/default> show create table tt;


|                         createtab_stmt                          |


| CREATE TABLE `tt`(                                              |

|   `owner` varchar(30),                                          |

|   `object_name` varchar(30),                                    |

|   `subobject_name` varchar(30),                                 |

|   `object_id` bigint,                                           |

|   `data_object_id` bigint,                                      |

|   `object_type` varchar(19),                                    |

|   `created` timestamp,                                          |

|   `last_ddl_time` timestamp,                                    |

|   `timestamp2` varchar(19),                                     |

|   `status` varchar(7),                                          |

|   `temporary2` varchar(1),                                      |

|   `generated` varchar(1),                                       |

|   `secondary` varchar(1),                                       |

|   `namespace` bigint,                                           |

|   `edition_name` varchar(30),                                   |

|   `padding1` varchar(4000),                                     |

|   `padding2` varchar(3500),                                     |

|   `attribute` varchar(32),                                      |

|   `op_type` int,                                                |

|   `op_time` timestamp,                                          |

|   `new_col` varchar(30))                                        |

| ROW FORMAT SERDE                                                |

|   'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe'          |

| STORED AS INPUTFORMAT                                           |

|   'org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat'                    |

| OUTPUTFORMAT                                                    |

|   ''  |

| LOCATION                                                        |

|   'hdfs://rhes564:9000/user/hive/warehouse/asehadoop.db/tt'     |

| TBLPROPERTIES (                                                 |

|   'COLUMN_STATS_ACCURATE'='true',                               |

|   'numFiles'='546',                                             |

|   'numRows'='8299588',                                          |

|   'rawDataSize'='18611443520',                                  |

|   'totalSize'='18619743108',                                    |

|   'transient_lastDdlTime'='1450337155')                         |



The following delete statement:


delete from tt where exists(select 1 from t where tt.object_id = t.object_id);

Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException [Error 
10294]: Attempt to do update or delete using transaction manager that does not 
support these operations. (state=42000,code=10294)




Mich Talebzadeh


Sybase ASE 15 Gold Medal Award 2008

A Winning Strategy: Running the most Critical Financial Data on ASE 15


Author of the books "A Practitioner’s Guide to Upgrading to Sybase ASE 15", 
ISBN 978-0-9563693-0-7. 

co-author "Sybase Transact SQL Guidelines Best Practices", ISBN 

Publications due shortly:

Complex Event Processing in Heterogeneous Environments, ISBN: 978-0-9563693-3-8

Oracle and Sybase, Concepts and Contrasts, ISBN: 978-0-9563693-1-4, volume one 
out shortly




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