Thank-you so much for your quick response. Yea, the option is use only for 
hive-on-tez. I want to know its source, its principle.
Mybe this resource 
“” is very useful, 
but I can not visit it in our country (mybe for political reasons). Can you 
please tell me other explainations?

Thankyou & Rest Regards


At 2016-01-19 11:44:02, "Gopal Vijayaraghavan" <> wrote:
>>what is the difference between³²and
>>which value is better?
>First up, those options are specific to Tez.
>The old MapReduce model was to always compute splits before asking for
>resources to run. And this uses the gateway host (where the CLI runs) to
>do that.
>That model runs sequentially and overload single gateway machines during
>heavy concurrency, particularly when used via ODBC (HiveServer2 mode).
>Here's an old slide explaining how that speeds up queries.
>This dynamic & pipelined model lays down the foundation for optimizations
>like Tez's dynamic partition pruning.

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