
So I am using the AccumuloStorageHandler to allow me to access Accumulo tables 
from Hive.
This works fine. So typically I would use something like this:

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE test_text (rowid STRING, testint INT, testbig BIGINT, 
testfloat FLOAT, testdouble DOUBLE, teststring STRING, testbool BOOLEAN)
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.accumulo.AccumuloStorageHandler'

Now for many reasons I am planning to have my own InputFormat.
I don't want to start from scratch so I plan to have my class derive from the 
existing class HiveAccumuloTableInputFormat and pick up a lot of functionality 
for free.

Now it was my understanding that "STORED BY" was a sort of optimization that 
saved the user having to specify the input format and output format and so on 
Given that I want, eventually, to use my own input format class in the 
short-term I just want to ensure that I can create a Hive table that uses 
Accumulo but specifying the inputformat explicitly.
I've looked at the source of AccumuloStorageHandler and I can see what 
inputformat and outputformat it returns.
So my best guess at creating the same table as above, but without using "STORED 
BY" is as follows:

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE test_text2 (rowid STRING, testint INT, testbig BIGINT, 
testfloat FLOAT, testdouble DOUBLE, teststring STRING, testbool BOOLEAN)
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.accumulo.serde.AccumuloSerDe'
OUTPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.accumulo.mr.HiveAccumuloTableOutputFormat';

This fails with:

FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10055]: Output Format must implement 
HiveOutputFormat, otherwise it should be either IgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat or 

Which seems plausible, because 
'org.apache.hadoop.hive.accumulo.mr.HiveAccumuloTableOutputFormat' really 
doesn't seem to implement  HiveOutputFormat.
However this begs the question, how can the storage handler get away with it if 
I can't?

So, before I go off and implement my own storage handler class as well as my 
own inputformat class, can anyone tell me if I am doing something silly
or is there some other way around this problem?


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