I use hive 0.13.
src_tbl:nonpartitioned table,store as textfile 
dst_tbl:partitioned table,store as orc  

here is the code:
SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
set hive.enforce.sorting=true;
set hive.exec.reducers.max=80; 

insert overwrite table dst_tbl partition(area_code)
select * from src_tbl
 sort by area_code;
It may take 240 maps and 80 reduces, the biggest area_code has more than 
100G,and the least area_code may have less than 10G.
It always slow down at reduce stage by 67%~70%.The result create 80 files every 
partition,but don't merge the small file .


发件人: Mich Talebzadeh
发送时间: ‎2016‎年‎1‎月‎26‎日, ‎星期二 ‎5‎:‎07
收件人: user@hive.apache.org



Can you do


show create table <table_name>


And send the output please.




Dr Mich Talebzadeh




Sybase ASE 15 Gold Medal Award 2008

A Winning Strategy: Running the most Critical Financial Data on ASE 15


Author of the books"A Practitioner’s Guide to Upgrading to Sybase ASE 15", ISBN 

co-author "Sybase Transact SQL Guidelines Best Practices", ISBN 

Publications due shortly:

Complex Event Processing in Heterogeneous Environments, ISBN: 978-0-9563693-3-8

Oracle and Sybase, Concepts and Contrasts, ISBN: 978-0-9563693-1-4, volume one 
out shortly




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From: 谭成灶 [mailto:tanx...@live.cn] 
Sent: 25 January 2016 15:37
To: user@hive.apache.org
Subject: 答复: Hive Bucketing


Hi,how to efficient insert into an orc bucket  table,I found it too slow.thanks 

发件人: Mich Talebzadeh
发送时间: ‎2016/‎1/‎23 7:31
收件人: user@hive.apache.org
主题: RE: Hive Bucketing



In general my understanding is that it will be possible to use bucket pruning 
much like partition pruning (elimination) soon


Bucketing in Hive refers to hash partitioning where a hashing function is 
applied. Likewise an RDBMS like Oracle, Hive will apply a linear hashing 
algorithm to prevent data from clustering within specific partitions. Hashing 
is very effective if the column selected for bucketing has very high 
selectivity like an ID column where selectivity (select 
count(distinct(column))/count(column) ) = 1.  In this case, the created 
partitions/ files will be as evenly sized as possible. In a nutshell bucketing 
is a method to get data evenly distributed over many partitions/files.  One 
should define the number of buckets by a power of two -- 2^n,  like 2, 4, 8, 16 
etc to achieve best results. Again bucketing will help concurrency in Hive. It 
may even allow a partition wise join i.e. a join between two tables that are 
bucketed on the same column with the same number of buckets (anyone has tried 


One more things. When one defines the number of buckets at table creation level 
in Hive, the number of partitions/files will be fixed. In contrast, with 
partitioning you do not have this limitation. 


Have you considered creating these tables as ORC tables?




Dr Mich Talebzadeh




Sybase ASE 15 Gold Medal Award 2008

A Winning Strategy: Running the most Critical Financial Data on ASE 15


Author of the books"A Practitioner’s Guide to Upgrading to Sybase ASE 15", ISBN 

co-author "Sybase Transact SQL Guidelines Best Practices", ISBN 

Publications due shortly:

Complex Event Processing in Heterogeneous Environments, ISBN: 978-0-9563693-3-8

Oracle and Sybase, Concepts and Contrasts, ISBN: 978-0-9563693-1-4, volume one 
out shortly




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From: Akansha Jain [mailto:akansha.15au...@gmail.com] 
Sent: 22 January 2016 23:20
To: user@hive.apache.org
Subject: RE: Hive Bucketing


Thanks for response. I am using 0.13 mapr version. Could you tell more about 
bucket pruning. 

On Jan 22, 2016 3:09 PM, "Mich Talebzadeh" <m...@peridale.co.uk> wrote:

Ok we are talking about bucket pruning here


What version of Hive are using?


Bucket pruning I believe is available from version 2.0




Dr Mich Talebzadeh




Sybase ASE 15 Gold Medal Award 2008

A Winning Strategy: Running the most Critical Financial Data on ASE 15


Author of the books"A Practitioner’s Guide to Upgrading to Sybase ASE 15", ISBN 

co-author "Sybase Transact SQL Guidelines Best Practices", ISBN 

Publications due shortly:

Complex Event Processing in Heterogeneous Environments, ISBN: 978-0-9563693-3-8

Oracle and Sybase, Concepts and Contrasts, ISBN: 978-0-9563693-1-4, volume one 
out shortly




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From: Akansha Jain [mailto:akansha.15au...@gmail.com] 
Sent: 22 January 2016 21:55
To: user@hive.apache.org
Subject: Hive Bucketing


Hi All,
I have enabled bucketing in table. I created 256 buckets on user id. Now when I 
am querying (select count(*) from table where userid =172839393)  that table, 
map reduce should only use single partitioned file as input to mappers. But its 
considering all files as input to mapper and I don't see any performance 
benefit when I run same query in unbucketed table. 

Do I have to set any property before running queries on bucketed tables. I 
tried join query also, but no performance improvement. In fact, I think it's 
taking few more seconds as compared to unbucketed table. 


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