Thanks Prasanth for sharing information

On 2/18/2016 3:23 PM, Prasanth Jayachandran wrote:
Negative values are failed attempts count.

First number if completed task count.
Second number is running task count.
Third number if failed task attempts count.
Last number is total task count.

<vertex_name>: <completed>(+<running>,-<failed>)/<total>

On Feb 18, 2016, at 5:08 PM, Kevin Vasko < <>> wrote:

Typically when I have seen this the jobs were failing. Is yours completing successfully?


On Feb 18, 2016, at 4:58 PM, mahender bigdata < <>> wrote:

Hi ,
Can any one throw some information on below results of TEZ. What is the real meaning of negative value in Vertex.Please explain or share the link
Map 1: 0(+77,-1)/122      Map 2: 1/1
Map 1: 0(+77,-2)/122      Map 2: 1/1
Map 1: 0(+77,-3)/122      Map 2: 1/1
Map 1: 0(+77,-171)/122 Map 2: 1/1
Map 1: 0(+77,-172)/122 Map 2: 1/1
Map 1: 0(+77,-174)/122 Map 2: 1/1
Map 1: 0(+77,-176)/122 Map 2: 1/1
Map 1: 0(+77,-177)/122 Map 2: 1/1
Map 1: 0(+77,-179)/122 Map 2: 1/1
Map 1: 0(+77,-180)/122 Map 2: 1/1
Map 1: 0(+77,-181)/122 Map 2: 1/1
Map 1: 0(+77,-183)/122 Map 2: 1/1
Map 1: 0(+77,-185)/122 Map 2: 1/1

What might be reasons for getting negative values in Map1 executing in TEX HIVe 1.2 version.
Thanks in advance

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