
can you please provide DDL for this table "show create table <TABLE>"

Dr Mich Talebzadeh

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On 7 March 2016 at 23:25, Marcin Tustin <mtus...@handybook.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Following on from from our parquet vs orc discussion, today I observed
> hive's alter table ... concatenate command remove rows from an ORC
> formatted table.
> 1. Has anyone else observed this (fuller description below)? And
> 2. How to do parquet users handle the file fragmentation issue?
> Description of the problem:
> Today I ran a query to count rows by date. Relevant days below:
> 2016-02-28 16866
> 2016-03-06 219
> 2016-03-07 2863
> I then ran concatenation on that table. Rerunning the same query resulted
> in:
> 2016-02-28 16866
> 2016-03-06 219
> 2016-03-07 1158
> Note reduced count for 2016-03-07
> I then ran concatenation a second time, and the query a third time:
> 2016-02-28 16344
> 2016-03-06 219
> 2016-03-07 1158
> Now the count for 2016-02-28 is reduced.
> This doesn't look like an elimination of duplicates occurring by design -
> these didn't all happen on the first run of concatenation. It looks like
> concatenation just kind of loses data.
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