Please try the following two options.
Option 2 might be better, performance wise (depending of the data volume and 

I didn’t understand the explanation about the LEFT JOIN



select      b.code

from                    b

            left join   a

            on          a.type      = b.type
                    and a.code      like case b.code       when 'ALL' then '%' 
else b.code       end
                    and a.indicator like case b.indicatior when 'ALL' then '%' 
else b.indicatior end


select      b.code

from                    b

            left join   a

            on          a.type      = b.type
                    and a.code      = b.code
                    and a.indicator = b.indicatior

where       b.code       != 'ALL'
        and b.indicatior != 'ALL'

union all

select      b.code

from                    b

            left join   a

            on          a.type      = b.type
                    and a.indicator = b.indicatior

where       b.code        = 'ALL'
        and b.indicatior != 'ALL'

union all

select      b.code

from                    b

            left join   a

            on          a.type      = b.type
                    and a.code      = b.code

where       b.code       != 'ALL'
        and b.indicatior  = 'ALL'

union all

select      b.code

from                    b

            left join   a

            on          a.type      = b.type

where       b.code       = 'ALL'
        and b.indicatior = 'ALL'

From: Kishore A []
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2016 3:51 PM
Subject: Re: Question on Implementing CASE in Hive Join

Hi Dudu,

Actually we use both fields from left and right tables, I mentioned right table 
just for my convenience to check whether ALL from right table can be pulled as 
per join condition match.

One more reason why we use left join is we should not have extra columns after 


On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 5:46 AM, Markovitz, Dudu 
<<>> wrote:
Before dealing with the technical aspect, can you please explain what is the 
point of using LEFT JOIN without selecting any field from table A?



From: Kishore A 
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2016 2:29 PM
Subject: Question on Implementing CASE in Hive Join


I have a scenario to implement to cases in Hive Joins. I need to implement case 
on the value on which join condition to be applied.

Table A
Code// Type// Indicator// Value//
A      1      XYZ         John
B      1      PQR         Smith
C      2      XYZ         John
C      2      PQR         Smith
D      3      PQR         Smith
E      3      XYZ         Smith
F      4      MNO         Smith
G      3      MNO         Smith
D      1      XYZ         John
N      3      STR         Smith

Table B
Code// Type// Indicator// Value//
ALL    1      XYZ         John
D        3      ALL         Smith
ALL    1      PQR         Smith

I need to stamp Value from TableB by joining TableA and I am writing join 
condition as below.
Note : No instance of ALL for Type column, a value for Type will be provided.

Select b.Code,b.Value from B
a.Code = (case when b.Code = 'ALL' then a.Code else b.Code END)
a.Type = b.Type
a.Indicator = (case when b.Indicatior = 'ALL' then a.Inidicator else 
b.Inidicator END)

When I run this in hive this query is failing with below error
Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10017]: Line 
4:0 Both left and right aliases encountered in JOIN 'Code'.

Please let me know if more details are needed


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