Never use string when you can use int - the performance will be much better - 
especially for tables in Orc / parquet format 

> On 04 Jun 2016, at 22:31, Igor Kravzov <> wrote:
> Thanks Dudu. 
> So if I need actual date I will use view.
> Regarding partition column:  I can create 2 external tables based on the same 
> data with integer or string column partition and see which one is more 
> convenient for our use.
>> On Sat, Jun 4, 2016 at 2:20 PM, Markovitz, Dudu <> 
>> wrote:
>> I’m not aware of an option to do what you request in the external table 
>> definition but you might want to that using a view.
>> P.s.
>> I seems to me that defining the partition column as a string would be more 
>> user friendly than integer, e.g. –
>> select * from threads_test where yyyymmdd like ‘2016%’ – year 2016;
>> select * from threads_test where yyyymmdd like ‘201603%’ –- March 2016;
>> select * from threads_test where yyyymmdd like ‘______01’ -- first of every 
>> month;
>> $ hdfs dfs -ls -R /tmp/threads_test
>> drwxr-xr-x   - cloudera supergroup          0 2016-06-04 10:45 
>> /tmp/threads_test/20160604
>> -rw-r--r--   1 cloudera supergroup        136 2016-06-04 10:45 
>> /tmp/threads_test/20160604/data.txt
>> $ hdfs dfs -cat /tmp/threads_test/20160604/data.txt
>> {"url":"","pageType":"pg1","addDate":"2016-05-17T02:10:44.527","postDate":"2016-05-16T02:08:55","postText":"YadaYada"}
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> hive> add jar /usr/lib/hive-hcatalog/share/hcatalog/hive-hcatalog-core.jar;
>> hive>
>> create external table threads_test
>> (
>>     url         string
>>    ,pagetype    string
>>    ,adddate     string
>>    ,postdate    string
>>    ,posttext    string
>> )
>>     partitioned by (yyyymmdd string)
>>     row format serde ''
>>     location '/tmp/threads_test'
>> ;
>> hive> alter table threads_test add partition (yyyymmdd=20160604) location 
>> '/tmp/threads_test/20160604';
>> hive> select * from threads_test;
>>    pg1    2016-05-17T02:10:44.527    2016-05-16T02:08:55  
>> YadaYada      20160604
>> hive>
>> create view threads_test_v
>> as
>> select      url    
>>            ,pagetype
>>            ,cast (concat_ws(' ',substr (adddate ,1,10),substr (adddate ,12)) 
>> as timestamp)  as adddate 
>>            ,cast (concat_ws(' ',substr (postdate,1,10),substr (postdate,12)) 
>> as timestamp)  as postdate 
>>            ,posttext
>> from        threads_test
>> ;
>> hive> select * from threads_test_v;
>>    pg1    2016-05-17 02:10:44.527    2016-05-16 02:08:55  
>> YadaYada
>> From: Igor Kravzov [] 
>> Sent: Saturday, June 04, 2016 8:13 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Convert date in string format to timestamp in table definition
>> Hi,
>> I have 2 dates in Json file defined like this
>> "addDate": "2016-05-17T02:10:44.527",
>>   "postDate": "2016-05-16T02:08:55",
>> Right now I define external table based on this file like this:
>> CREATE external TABLE threads_test 
>> (url string,
>>  pagetype string,
>>  adddate string,
>>  postdate string,
>>  posttext string)
>> partitioned by (yyyymmdd int)
>> location 'my location';
>> is it possible to define these 2 dates as timestamp? 
>> Do I need to change date format in the file? is it possible to specify date 
>> format in table definition?
>> Or I better off with string?
>> Thanks in advance.

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