Could you increase this number (Mebbe three times the current value) and
see if it has any impact on throughput:

--hiveconf mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.maxsize=33554432 \


Namaskara~Nalama~Guten Tag~Bonjour


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On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 8:13 PM, David Nies <> wrote:

> Dear Hive mailing list,
> in my setup, network throughput from the HiveServer2 to the client seems
> to be the bottleneck and I’m seeking a way do increase throughput. Let me
> elaborate my use case:
> I’m using Hive version 1.1.0 that is bundeled with Clouders 5.5.1.
> I want to fetch a huge amount of data from our Hive cluster. By huge I
> mean something around 100 million rows. The Hive table I’m querying is an
> external table whose data is stored in .avro. On HDFS, the data I want to
> fetch (i.e. the aforementioned 100 million rows) is about 5GB in size. A
> cleverer filtering strategy (to reduce the amount of data) is no option,
> sadly, since I need all the data.
> I was able to reduce the time the MapReduce job takes to an agreeable
> interval fiddling around with
> `mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.maxsize`. The part that is taking
> ages comes after MapReduce. I’m observing that the Hadoop namenode that is
> hosting the HiveServer2 is merely sending data with around 3 MB/sec. Our
> network is capable of much more. Playing around with `fetchSize` did not
> increase throughput.
> As I identified network throughput to be the bottleneck, I restricted my
> efforts to trying to increase it. For this, I simply run the query I’d
> normally run through JDBC (from Clojure/Java) via `beeline` and dumping the
> output to `/dev/null`. My `beeline` query looks something like that:
> beeline \
>     -u jdbc:hive2://srv:10000/db \
>     -n user -p password \
>     --outputformat=csv2 \
>     --incremental=true \
>     --hiveconf mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.maxsize=33554432 \
>     -e 'SELECT <a lot of columns> FROM `db`.`table` WHERE (year=2016 AND
> month=6 AND day=1 AND hour=10)' > /dev/null
> I already tried playing around with additional `—hiveconf`s:
>     --hiveconf hive.exec.compress.output=true \
>     --hiveconf mapred.output.compression.type=BLOCK \
>     --hiveconf
> \
> without success.
> In all cases, Hive is able only to utilize a tiny fraction of the
> bandwidth that is available. Is there a possibility to increase network
> throughput?
> Thank you in advance!
> Yours
> David Nies
> Entwickler Business Intelligence
>  ADITION technologies AG
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