My pleasure.
Please feel free to reach me if needed.


From: Arun Patel []
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2016 2:57 AM
Subject: Re: RegexSerDe with Filters

Thank you very much, Dudu.  This really helps.

On Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 7:48 PM, Markovitz, Dudu 
<<>> wrote:

Here is the code (without the log data).

I’ve created some of the views using different text processing technics.
The rest of the views could be create in similar ways.



hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /tmp/log/20160621
hdfs dfs –put logfile.txt /tmp/log/20160621


    External table log

    Defines all common columns + optional column 'tid' which appears in most 
log records + the rest of the log ('txt')


drop table if exists log;

create external table log
    c1              string
   ,ts              string
   ,ts_frac         string
   ,log_rec_level   string
   ,c4              string
   ,c5              string
   ,tid             string
   ,txt             string
    partitioned by (dt date)
    row format serde 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.serde2.RegexSerDe'
    with serdeproperties 
    stored as textfile
    location '/tmp/log'

alter table log add partition (dt=date '2016-06-21') location 

select * from log;

    View log_v

    Base view for all other views


drop view if exists log_v;

create view log_v
select      c1
           ,cast (concat_ws ('.',ts,ts_frac) as timestamp)  as ts
           ,cast (ltrim(substr (tid,5)) as bigint)          as tid

from        log

select * from log_v;


drop view if exists log_v_reaping_path;

create view log_v_reaping_path
select      c1
           ,substr (txt,15)     as reaping_path

from        log_V

where       txt like 'Reaping path: %'

select * from log_v_reaping_path;


drop view if exists log_v_published_to_kafka;

create view log_v_published_to_kafka
select      c1

           ,      ltrim (kv [' Key']      )                 as key
           ,cast (ltrim (kv [' size']     ) as bigint )     as size
           ,      ltrim (kv [' topic']    )                 as topic
           ,cast (ltrim (kv [' partition']) as int    )     as partition
           ,cast (ltrim (kv [' offset']   ) as bigint )     as offset

from       (select      c1
                       ,str_to_map (substr (txt ,locate ('.',txt)+1),',',':')   
as kv

            from        log_V

            where       txt like 'Published to Kafka. %'
            as t

select * from log_v_published_to_kafka;


drop view if exists log_v_get_request;

create view log_v_get_request
select      c1
           ,substr (txt,31) as path

from        log_V

where       txt like 'GET request received for path %'

select * from log_v_get_request;


drop view if exists log_v_unlock_request;

create view log_v_unlock_request
select      c1
           ,regexp_extract (txt,'rowkey (\\S+)',1<file:///\\S+)',1>)      as 
           ,regexp_extract (txt,'lock id (\\S+)',1<file:///\\S+)',1>)     as 

from        log_V

where       txt like 'Unlock request for schema DU %'

From: Markovitz, Dudu 
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2016 2:26 PM
Subject: RE: RegexSerDe with Filters


I would suggest creating a single external table with daily partitions and 
multiple views each with the appropriate filtering.
If you’ll send me log sample (~100 rows) I’ll send you an example.


From: Arun Patel []
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2016 1:51 AM
Subject: RegexSerDe with Filters

Hello Hive Experts,

I use flume to ingest application specific logs from Syslog to HDFS.  
Currently, I grep the HDFS directory for specific patterns (for multiple types 
of requests) and then create reports.  However, generating reports for Weekly 
and Monthly are not salable.

I would like to create multiple external on the daily HDFS directory 
partitioned by date with RegexSerde and then create separate Parquet tables for 
every kind of request.

Question is - How do I create multiple (about 20) RegexSerde tables on same 
data applying filters?  This will be just like 20 grep commands I am running 

Example:  hadoop fs -cat /user/ffffprod/2016-06-20/* | grep 'STORE Request 
Received for APPXXXX' | awk '{print $4, $13, $14, $17, $20}'
                hadoop fs -cat /user/ffffprod/2016-06-20/* | grep 'SCAN Request 
Received for APPYYYY' | awk '{print $4, $14, $19, $21, $22}'
                hadoop fs -cat /user/ffffprod/2016-06-20/* | grep 'TOTAL TIME' 
| awk '{print $4, $24}'

I would like to create a tables which does this kind of job and then writes 
output to Parquet tables.

Please let me know how this can be done.  Thank you!


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