Reg " hive concurrency not working" in HDP.

yes, it's known issue in HDP and with Hue 2.6

I have below information on this issue and hope it will help you.
When you are running Hive queries through Hue (Beeswax), users are unable
to run multiple queries concurrently. In practice, this doesn't matter if
it is separate browser sessions, separate clients, etc. it seems to be tied
to the user.
In looking at the way Tez works and looking through the code for the patch
in Hive 0.14 that supports concurrent queries in general with Tez, it does
not support parallel queries in a particular TezSession, only serial
queries. This is also documented in Tez documentation. It seems the way
that Hive creates a session is based upon the user.  Upon further digging,
we found a ticket HIVE-9223 that is in open state which describes this


On Wed, Aug 3, 2016 at 11:50 AM, Sergey Shelukhin <>

> Can you elaborate on not working? Is it giving an error, or hanging (and
> if so, does it queue and eventually execute); are you using HS2; what
> commands/actions do the users perform?
> Also, what version of Hive is this?
> From: Raj hadoop <>
> Reply-To: "" <>
> Date: Wednesday, August 3, 2016 at 06:14
> To: "" <>
> Subject: hive concurrency not working
> Dear All,
> In need or your help,
> we have horton works 4 node cluster,and the problem is hive is allowing
> only one user at a time,
> if any second resource need to login hive is not working,
> could someone please help me in this
> Thanks,
> Rajesh

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