have you configured your hive.site.xml to refer to the new metadata on

Mine is on oracle

    <description>JDBC connect string for a JDBC metastore</description>

and username and password

can you log in to MySQL database and look at table TBLS see if there are
any tables

Also look to see the connections there

2) Have you started the metastore connection

$HIVE_HOME/bin/hive --service metastore &

And also Hiver thrift server

$HIVE_HOME/bin/hiveserver2 &

be default they run on port 9083 and 10000

Can you see them

netstat -pltenp 'Local|1000|9083'


Dr Mich Talebzadeh

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On 8 August 2016 at 12:34, Sumit Khanna <sumit.kha...@askme.in> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am facing a weird issue with hive. Initially we had hive configured
> against the default derby, and hardly select * / raw columns were working
> for my parquet tables.
> However, having configured it against mysql metastore db now, the all my
> queries involving min / max / order by  / where etc which involve a reducer
> stage ( parallel/distributed calls to hive db/hdfs) are working too.
> However, the problem that still persists here is that when I quit the hive
> session, and then restart it, all my tables are gone, as in show tables
> yields nothing.
> I thence have to manually fire create table and alter table add partition
> queries and run the same query thenafter to get the desired results.
> Can anyone help ?  the problem faced being that hive drops / loses all the
> tables when the session is restarted.
> Thanks,
> Sumit

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