hi, all:
     I have a question about the URI check in table/parition's location.

I make some test on hive-2.0.0. and I found that there are some confused

1. alter table t set location '/a b'
    `FAILED: SemanticException Cannot connect to namenode, please check if
host/port pair for /a b is valid`

2. alter table t set location 'hdfs:/a b';
`FAILED: SemanticException Cannot connect to namenode, please check if
host/port pair for hdfs:/a b is valid`

3.alter table t add partition(b='xyz')  location '/a b';
 it is ok

4. alter table t partition(b='xyz') set  location '/a b';
`FAILED: SemanticException Cannot connect to namenode, please check if
host/port pair for /a b is valid`

5.create external table t1(a string) location '/a b'
 it is ok.

above tests shows that some situation do URI check ,some did not(add
partition & create external table).

so i am confused why they different, and it is hive's design? if it is ,
someone can tell me what is this design concern, or it is better to give me
a design document.

before hive-0.13, the location is URI type, after this jira(
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-6185), it changed to Path.

Thanks very much!!

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