Hi there,

In case data type of partitioning field is different in source table
and target table, then there is no implicit type-casting happens in
target table.

Example :

My source table contains following sample data :

column A column B
2017          20.023
2017          21.056
2016          20.214
2016          21.630

Here, 'column B' is of 'Floating' data type.

My target table is partitioned on 'column B' having 'Integer' data type.

Now, I expect this 'column B' of target table to store the
corresponding source field data without any explicit type casting. I
mean to say that '20.023' should be stored as '20' in 'column B' of
target table and so on but it doesn't happen.
Instead 'NULL' is stored for all source table floating values which is
not an ideal behaviour.

This weird behaviour is limited to partitioned column/columns only. I
can see automatic type conversion and data loading for Non-Partitioned

Can you please look into this and suggest me where this is a bug or
it's a standard behaviour for partitioned columns where data type of
source and target partitioned field is different?

Thanks & Regards,
Balajee Venkatesh

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