The pro’s is that you have the ability to update a table without having to 
worry about duplication of the row.  Tez is doing some form of compaction for 
you that already exists in HBase. 

The cons:

1) Its slower. Reads from HBase have more overhead with them than just reading 
a file.  Read Lars George’s book on what takes place when you do a read. 

2) HBase is not a relational store. (You have to think about what that implies) 

3) You need to query against your row key for best performance, otherwise it 
will always be a complete table scan. 

HBase was designed to give you fast access for direct get() and limited range 
scans.  Otherwise you have to perform full table scans.  This means that unless 
you’re able to do a range scan, your full table scan will be slower than if you 
did this on a flat file set.  Again the reason why you would want to use HBase 
if your data set is mutable.

You also have to trigger a range scan when you write your hive query and you 
have make sure that you’re querying off your row key. 

HBase was designed as a <key,value> store. Plain and simple.  If you don’t use 
the key, you have to do a full table scan. So even though you are partitioning 
on row key, you never use your partitions.  However in Hive or Spark, you can 
create an alternative partition pattern.  (e.g your key is the transaction_id, 
yet you partition on month/year portion of the transaction_date) 

You can speed things up a little by using an inverted table as a secondary 
index. However this assumes that you want to use joins. If you have a single 
base table with no joins then you can limit your range scans based on making 
sure you are querying against the row key.  Note: This will mean that you have 
limited querying capabilities. 

And yes, I’ve done this before but can’t share it with you. 


I haven’t tried Hive queries where you have what would be the equivalent of a 
get() . 

In earlier versions of hive, the issue would be “SELECT * FROM foo where 
rowkey=BAR”  would still do a full table scan because of the lack of predicate 
This may have been fixed in later releases of hive. That would be your test 
case.   If there is predicate pushdown, then you will be faster, assuming that 
the query triggers an implied range scan. 
This would be a simple thing. However keep in mind that you’re going to 
generate a map/reduce job (unless using a query engine like Tez) where you 
wouldn’t if you just wrote your code in Java. 

> On Jun 7, 2017, at 5:13 AM, Ramasubramanian Narayanan 
> <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Can you please let us know Pro and Cons of using HBase table as an external 
> table in HIVE.
> Will there be any performance degrade when using Hive over HBase instead of 
> using direct HIVE table.
> The table that I am planning to use in HBase will be master table like 
> account, customer. Wanting to achieve Slowly Changing Dimension. Please 
> through some lights on that too if you have done any such implementations.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Rams 

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