I got your point and thanks for the nice slides info.

So the parquet filter is not an easy thing and I will try that according to the 

Thanks !

From: Furcy Pin <pin.fu...@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2018 3:37:52 AM
To: user@hive.apache.org
Subject: Re: Why the filter push down does not reduce the read data record count


Unless your table is partitioned or bucketed by myid, Hive generally requires 
to read through all the records to find the records that match your predicate.

In other words, Hive table are generally not indexed for single record 
retrieval like you would expect RDBMs tables or Vertica tables to be indexed to 
allow single record.
Some file formats like ORC (and maybe Parquet, I'm not sure) allow to add bloom 
filters on specific columns of a 
 which could work as a kind of index.
Also, depending on the query engine you are using (Hive, Spark-SQL, Impala, 
Presto...) and its version, they may or may not be able to leverage certain 
storage optimization.
For example, Spark still does not support Hive Bucketed Table optimization. But 
it might come in the upcoming Spark 2.3.

I'm much less familiar with Parquet, so if anyone has links to a good 
documentation for Parquet fine tuning (or even better a comparison with ORC 
features) that would be really helpful.
By googling, I found these slides where someone at 
 seems to have tried the same kind of optimization as you in Parquet.

On 23 February 2018 at 12:02, Sun, Keith 
<ai...@ebay.com<mailto:ai...@ebay.com>> wrote:


Why Hive still read so much "records" even with a filter pushdown enabled and 
the returned dataset would be a very small amount ( 4k out of  30billion 

The "RECORDS_IN" counter of Hive which still showed the 30billion count and 
also the output in the map reduce log like this :

org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.MapOperator: MAP[4]: records read - 100000

BTW, I am using parquet as stoarg format and the filter pushdown did work as i 
see this in log :

AM INFO: parquet.filter2.compat.FilterCompat: Filtering using predicate: 
eq(myid, 223)



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