I'm really confused and could use help understanding.  The Hive documentation 


"Bucketed tables are fantastic in that they allow much more efficient sampling 
than do non-bucketed tables, and they may later allow for time saving 
operations such as mapside joins. However, the bucketing specified at table 
creation is not enforced when the table is written to, and so it is possible 
for the table's metadata to advertise properties which are not upheld by the 
table's actual layout. This should obviously be avoided. Here's how to do it 

"This should obviously be avoided".  Yet with the Tez engine it seems to be 
unavoidable when the data does not allow for all the buckets to be populated.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gopal Vijayaraghavan" <gop...@apache.org>
To: user@hive.apache.org
Sent: Monday, April 2, 2018 2:16:46 AM
Subject: Re: Hive, Tez, clustering, buckets, and Presto

There's more here than Bucketing or Tez.


I hope the epoch partition column is actually a day rollup and not 1 partition 
for every timestamp.

CLUSTERED BY does not CLUSTER BY, which it should (but it doesn't, yet). 
CLUSTERED BY needs a SORTED BY to produce good ORC stripes here.

>  If I perform the inserts with the mr engine, which is now deprecated, when 
> the partition is created there are always 64 bucket files, even if some are 0 
> length.  In this case I can query with Presto just fine.

The files should be at least 3 bytes long containing the 3 letters 'O','R','C'.

If you have a bucketing impl which is producing empty files when hash(20k) 
values % 64 is producing 0 rows for some buckets, the skew is unnatural.

>  However, when the Tez engine is used, only buckets that contain data are 
> created, and Presto fails since the table properties in the metastore (64 
> buckets) are a mismatch with the actual bucket count.

That was done to prevent creating these 3 byte files which actually cost real 
money to store (because storage is usually at the 4k block level, this uses 
1000x more storage).

You can end up with >64 or <64 or exactly 64 files for a validly bucketed table 
(in the >64 case, at least some files have a _Copy suffix, but the bucket 
prefix is consistent).

Presto just bails out when it finds something strange, because they do not 
trust the Hive bucketing impl - there is a really good reason why there are 2 
bucket pruning configs in Tez for the same feature (hive.tez.bucket.pruning & 

> we'd really like to use buckets, since the the r_crs_id in production can 
> contain 20,000 values.

With 20k values and 64 buckets, if you have zero sized buckets - you might want 
to run your hash values through this.


> "hive.enforce.bucketing" appears to have been deprecated as of 2.0 and is 
> always set to "true", but I can't seem to find a description of its intent.  
> Anyway, if it's supposed to force the creation of buckets it's not working 
> with the Tez engine.

Previously you could disable "enforce.bucketing=false" and the inserts of data 
won't use the fixed number of buckets & can play other tricks with the data 
layout. That's not the config you're looking for.

There is something which is a very sharp no-handle knife in the Hive toolkit 
called "hive.exec.infer.bucket.sort.num.buckets.power.two", which is not worth 
explaining right now (but just that it is possible to use it, but not very 

> configuration so that r_crs_id was at least row optimized and sorted within 
> the ORC files. 

SORTED BY in the Table DDL should do the trick - I like to use a multi-dim 
sort, in some of these scenarios.

CLUSTERED BY(r_crs_id) 
SORTED BY(r_crs_id, id)

If you want to know why I like primes, when % 64 is done on even numbers.

len(set([(x*2) % 64 for x in xrange(1000)]))

fills exactly 32 buckets out of 64 - so 32 buckets have 2x data and 32 buckets 
have 0x data.

len(set([(x*2) % 61 for x in xrange(1000)]))

fills all 61 buckets - producing better bucketing & no 0 sized files.

FYI any prime number other than 31 works nicer than a 2^n - 


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