Hello Hive users,

I am pleased to announce the release of MR3 0.3. A new feature of MR3 0.3
is its support for Hive 3.0.0 on Hadoop 2.7/2.8/2.9. I have also published
a blog article that uses the TPC-DS benchmark to compare the following six

1) Hive-LLAP included in HDP 2.6.4
2) Presto 0.203e
3) Spark 2.2.0 included in HDP 2.6.4
4) Hive 3.0.0 on Tez
5) Hive 3.0.0 on MR3
6) Hive 2.3.3 on MR3

You can download MR3 0.3 at:


Thank you for your interest!

--- Sungwoo Park

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