Can anyone looking at this issue ?

On Sat, Jul 20, 2019 at 9:08 AM Shankar Mane <> wrote:

> Have created jira at
> <>
> On Wed, 17 Jul 2019, 16:44 Shankar Mane, <> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I am facing some issues while using Like operator & newline (\n)
>> character. Below is the in details description :
>> *-------------------------------------------------- Hive Queries
>> ------------------------------------------------------------*
>> create table default.withdraw(
>> id string
>> ) stored as parquet;
>> insert into default.withdraw select 'withdraw\ncash';
>> *--1)  result = success*
>> hive> select * from default.withdraw where id like '%withdraw%';
>> OK
>> withdraw
>> cash
>> Time taken: 0.078 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s)
>> *--2) **result = wrong*
>> hive> select * from default.withdraw where id like '%withdraw%cash';
>> OK
>> Time taken: 0.066 seconds
>> *--3) **result = success*
>> hive> select * from default.withdraw where id like '%cash%';
>> OK
>> withdraw
>> cash
>> Time taken: 0.086 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s)
>> *-------------------------------------------------- Presto Queries
>> -----------------------------------------------------*
>> FYI - Presto (v0.221) is using above table meta store. We tested above
>> queries on presto too.
>> *--1)  **result = **success*
>> presto> select * from default.withdraw where id like '%withdraw%';
>>    id
>> ----------
>> withdraw
>> cash
>> (1 row)
>> *--2) **result = **success*
>> presto> select * from default.withdraw where id like '%withdraw%cash';
>>    id
>> ----------
>> withdraw
>> cash
>> (1 row)
>> *--3) **result = **success*
>> presto> select * from default.withdraw where id like '%cash%';
>>    id
>> ----------
>> withdraw
>> cash
>> (1 row)
>> *-------------------------------------------------- *
>> *-------------------------------------------------- *
>> Please help here in case i am missing anything.
>> regards,
>> shankar

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