
I have a question about how to reconcile the following hive two features going 

 * original files in MM tables (HIVE-19258, fixed in hive 3.1.0, 4.0.0)
 * the separation of transactional tables from non transactional tables 
(HIVE-22342, HIVE-22189, fixed in hive 4.0.0).

If I understand things correctly, original files come up when I start with a 
non-transactional table, add data to it, then later alter that table to make it 
transactional insert-ony.

The second feature makes it such that non-transactional tables are considered external 
and are not allowed "within the managed warehouse root dir".

Wouldn't that make it such that a non-transactional table cannot be converted 
into a mm table?

If that's the case, then you can't create original files, right?

what am I missing?

Gabriel Balan

P.S. I played around a bit in CDP7.0.3:

create table foo (a int)  location '/a/b/c' tblproperties 
alter table foo set tblproperties ("transactional"="true", 
--Unable to alter table. default.foo cannot be declared transactional because 
it's an external table

create table bar(a int)  location '/a/b/d' tblproperties  ("transactional"="true", 
insert into table bar values (123);
-- Unable to alter table. A managed table's location needs to be under the hive 
warehouse root
alter table bar set tblproperties ("transactional"="false", 
--Cannot convert an ACID table to non-ACID

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represent those of Oracle Corporation.

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