Hey All!

We have our first online Hive meetup today!

We will start at 5pm UTC for other timezones see on this site:

If you don't yet have the meeting url - it will be held in a zoom room at:
Most likely there will be a recording of it - which will be shared afterwards.

I was thinking to use Github discussions to (also) ask questions during the event - because it could help untangle "question time" from "answer time"; we may of course choose not to use it - but I've experimented with it and if we add discussions to the "Q&A" section we may even answer it - and people thinking about the same thing may extend the question by adding further comments...or just vote on the question...
not sure how well it will work - might worth a try!
I've set it up on my own fork for now: 

The meetup url is here:

Meet you there!


On 3/16/21 3:29 PM, Zoltan Haindrich wrote:
Hey All!

Our meetup is also available as a meetup.com event:

In case you want to add it to the calendar or something... :)


On 3/11/21 3:00 PM, Zoltan Haindrich wrote:
Hey All!

I would like to invite you to our (first?) online Hive meetup! It will be held 
on March 17. 17:00 UTC
I'll send out a zoom url before the event starts!

The planned topics are accessible here:

Meet you there!


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