Sorry, I missed one thing -- you need to backport:
HIVE-20344: PrivilegeSynchronizer for SBA might hit AccessControlException
(Daniel Dai, reviewed by Vaibhav Gumashta)

--- Sungwoo

On Wed, Sep 22, 2021 at 12:24 AM Sungwoo Park <> wrote:

> Actually we can run Hive 3.1.2 with Ranger!
> To run Hive 3.1.2 with Ranger 2.0.0, you could set:
> hive.privilege.synchronizer=true
> For Ranger 2.0.0, RangerHiveAuthorizerBase.getHivePolicyProvider() returns
> null, so it is okay to set hive.privilege.synchronizer to true, and you
> don't have to set up ZooKeeper.
> To run Hive 3.1.2 with Ranger 2.1.0 but without ZooKeeper, you need to set
> hive.privilege.synchronizer to false because
> RangerHiveAuthorizer.getHivePolicyProvider() returns
> RangerHivePolicyProvider. If hive.privilege.synchronizer is set to true,
> ZooKeeper should be running.
> So, with Ranger 2.0.0 or 2.1.0, you can run Hive 3.1.2 without ZooKeeper.
> (Of course, you can run it with ZooKeeper, too.) It may take a while (like
> a few seconds) for a new Ranger policy to be delivered to HiveServer2, but
> this does not seem like an issue in practice.
> --- Sungwoo
> On Tue, Sep 21, 2021 at 6:50 PM Antoine DUBOIS <>
> wrote:
>> Yes I can.
>> You cannot use Ranger without having to configure an instance of
>> zookeeper to run for unclear reasons.
>> public void startPrivilegeSynchonizer(HiveConf hiveConf) throws Exception {
>>   PolicyProviderContainer policyContainer = new PolicyProviderContainer();
>>   HiveAuthorizer authorizer = SessionState.get().getAuthorizerV2();
>>   if (authorizer.getHivePolicyProvider() != null) {
>>     policyContainer.addAuthorizer(authorizer);
>>   }
>>   if (hiveConf.get(MetastoreConf.ConfVars.PRE_EVENT_LISTENERS.getVarname()) 
>> != null &&
>> hiveConf.get(MetastoreConf.ConfVars.PRE_EVENT_LISTENERS.getVarname()).contains(
>> "")
>>  &&
>> hiveConf.get(MetastoreConf.ConfVars.HIVE_AUTHORIZATION_MANAGER.getVarname())!=
>>  null) {
>>     List<HiveMetastoreAuthorizationProvider> providers = 
>> HiveUtils.getMetaStoreAuthorizeProviderManagers(
>>         hiveConf, HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_METASTORE_AUTHORIZATION_MANAGER, 
>> SessionState.get().getAuthenticator());
>>     for (HiveMetastoreAuthorizationProvider provider : providers) {
>>       if (provider.getHivePolicyProvider() != null) {
>>         policyContainer.addAuthorizationProvider(provider);
>>       }
>>     }
>>   }
>> [...]
>> if (policyContainer.size() > 0) {
>>   zKClientForPrivSync = startZookeeperClient(hiveConf);
>>   String rootNamespace = 
>> hiveConf.getVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_SERVER2_ZOOKEEPER_NAMESPACE);
>> So as long as you are using ranger you must use zookeeper and
>> configuration in this case is unclear.
>> I never managed to make it work properly.
>> It seems like version 3.1.2 is no longer developed or supported and only
>> 2.x is still under developpement.
>> Looks like cloudera buying HDP makes development less active in the end...
>> ------------------------------
>> *De: *"Battula, Brahma Reddy" <>
>> *À: *
>> *Envoyé: *Vendredi 17 Septembre 2021 21:15:51
>> *Objet: *Re: Future release of hive
>> Can you please give more details on issues which you faced with
>> hive-3.1.2 and ranger-2.1.0..?
>> *From: *Antoine DUBOIS <>
>> *Date: *Tuesday, 14 September 2021 at 6:20 PM
>> *To: * <>
>> *Subject: *Future release of hive
>> Hello
>> After trying to use hive 3.1.2 for several weeks with ranger, I stop.
>> It's seems way too complicated and tedious.
>> I wonder when or even if there will be any more release in the 3.0 branch.
>> I wonder if Hive 3.0 was just an experience as it seems maintenance is
>> not really there.
>> Is there any plan for Hive 4.0 or should I use Hive 2.8 knowing I'm using
>> Hadoop 3 ?
>> Any insight on hive release cycle woudl be awesome.
>> i hope you have a nice day.
>> Antoine DUBOIS

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