
For 1, Hive 3.1.2 has a bug which leaks Metastore connections. This was
reported in HIVE-20600:


You might reproduce the bug by inserting values into a table and checking
the number of connections, e.g.:
0: jdbc:hive2://blue0:9852/> CREATE TABLE leak_test (id int, value string);
0: jdbc:hive2://blue0:9852/> insert into leak_test values (1, 'hello'), (2,
0: jdbc:hive2://blue0:9852/> insert into leak_test values (1, 'hello'), (2,

2021-08-09T02:15:04,263  INFO [HiveServer2-Background-Pool: Thread-250]
metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient: Closed a connection to metastore, current
connections: 20
2021-08-09T02:15:04,269  INFO [HiveServer2-Background-Pool: Thread-250]
metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient: Opened a connection to metastore, current
connections: 21

Applying HIVE-21206 can fix the bug:


--- Sungwoo

On Mon, Oct 11, 2021 at 8:34 PM Manikaran Kathuria <
kathuriamanika...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I hope everyone is doing good during this pandemic. I have some questions
> related to hive server configuration. In our current set up, we are running
> 6 hive server instances on k8s pods. We are using hive version *3.1.2 *with
> Java 8. The container memory associated with each pod is 24G. We are
> observing that the hive servers are crashing with the OOM Java heap error.
> We have set the max heap size to *12G*. We are using *Parallel GC
> collectors* i.e., PS Scavenge and PS MarkSweep for young gen and the old
> gen GCs respectively. Following are our observations-
> 1. The connections to hive metastore kept increasing. Before the server
> crashed, we have seen the number of connections to metastore as high as
> 1.2k. Connection leakage?
> 2. We have also observed that a few times the servers crashed because the
> container memory was full. As we have set max heap size to 12G, the servers
> crashing because native memory was full felt strange. On digging the
> process map from another instance using high native memory (chart of the
> memory used by hive server attached), we found that the memory was
> allocated to multiple* 64M blocks*.These 64M blocks are called *arenas*.
> We can limit the memory growth by using *jemalloc* instead of malloc from
> glibc or setting the *maximum number of allowed arenas*. Is it a common
> issue in hive servers? Any recommendations on how to solve this issue of
> high native memory being used?
> 3. Another observation, when the hive servers restarted, we found the Old
> gen space of heap was full but the memory committed to young gen was much
> lesser than the maximum memory allocated to young gen pool. To be specific
> about one of the instances, total heap: *12G: *Old Gen memory used: *8G: 
> *Young
> Gen Used *360M *(Committed: *708M, *Max: *4G)*. [Chart of heap memory
> usage attached]. This results in consecutive full GCs before the server
> crashes. Should we consider using some other GC? Any recommendations or
> tuning suggestions?
> Please find the attached charts.
> Any help would be highly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Manikaran Kathuria

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