hi Team,

I observed show create table when executed on Hive(beeline or jdbc) takes
longer time (around 5 secs) compared to spark-sql (<1 sec). Will you be
able to explain why this is the case?. Is there any properties that we can
set on Beeline or jdbc connection so that it performs on par with

We can't use spark-sql output because it converts CHAR or VARCHAR data
types to STRING in the output which is not desirable in our use case. This
behavior is fixed in Spark 3.x but we can't upgrade the Spark version at
the moment.

Versions used:
Hive: 2.1.1
Spark: 2.4.3

I have a need to extract hive table schema for a lot of tables so that we
can use that DDL statements to deploy it in other lanes(From prod to lower
lane setup).


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