I followed the *QuickStart* section of hive quickstart
<https://hive.apache.org/developement/quickstart/> to start hiveserver2
with version 3.1.3 in docker container. However, I can't start hiveserver2
container successfully.  This failed container outputs the following

+ : derby
+ export HIVE_CONF_DIR=/opt/hive/conf
+ HIVE_CONF_DIR=/opt/hive/conf
+ '[' -d '' ']'
+ export 'HADOOP_CLIENT_OPTS= -Xmx1G '
+ [[ false == \f\a\l\s\e ]]
+ initialize_hive
+ /opt/hive/bin/schematool -dbType derby -initOrUpgradeSchema
SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
SLF4J: Found binding in
SLF4J: Found binding in
SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#multiple_bindings for an explanation.
SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.apache.logging.slf4j.Log4jLoggerFactory]
HiveSchemaTool:Parsing failed.  Reason: Missing required option:
[-help print this message, -alterCatalog Alter a catalog, requires
--catalogLocation and/or --catalogDescription parameter as well,
-initSchemaTo Schema initialization to a version, -upgradeSchemaFrom
Schema upgrade from a version, -moveDatabase Move a database between
catalogs.  Argument is the database name. Requires --fromCatalog and
--toCatalog parameters as well, -moveTable Move a table to a different
database.  Argument is the table name. Requires --fromCatalog,
--toCatalog, --fromDatabase, and --toDatabase  parameters as well.,
-initSchema Schema initialization, -createCatalog Create a catalog,
requires --catalogLocation parameter as well, -upgradeSchema Schema
upgrade, -info Show config and schema details, -validate Validate the
usage: schemaTool
 -alterCatalog <arg>                Alter a catalog, requires
                                    --catalogLocation and/or
                                    --catalogDescription parameter as well
 -catalogDescription <arg>          Description of new catalog
 -catalogLocation <arg>             Location of new catalog, required when
                                    adding a catalog
 -createCatalog <arg>               Create a catalog, requires
                                    --catalogLocation parameter as well
 -dbOpts <databaseOpts>             Backend DB specific options
 -dbType <databaseType>             Metastore database type
 -driver <driver>                   driver name for connection
 -dryRun                            list SQL scripts (no execute)
 -fromCatalog <arg>                 Catalog a moving database or table is
                                    coming from.  This is required if you
                                    are moving a database or table.
 -fromDatabase <arg>                Database a moving table is coming
                                    from.  This is required if you are
                                    moving a table.
 -help                              print this message
 -ifNotExists                       If passed then it is not an error to
                                    create an existing catalog
 -info                              Show config and schema details
 -initSchema                        Schema initialization
 -initSchemaTo <initTo>             Schema initialization to a version
 -metaDbType <metaDatabaseType>     Used only if upgrading the system
                                    catalog for hive
 -moveDatabase <arg>                Move a database between catalogs.
                                    Argument is the database name.
                                    Requires --fromCatalog and --toCatalog
                                    parameters as well
 -moveTable <arg>                   Move a table to a different database.
                                    Argument is the table name. Requires
                                    --fromCatalog, --toCatalog,
                                    --fromDatabase, and --toDatabase
                                    parameters as well.
 -passWord <password>               Override config file password
 -servers <serverList>              a comma-separated list of servers used
                                    in location validation in the format
                                    of scheme://authority (e.g.
 -toCatalog <arg>                   Catalog a moving database or table is
                                    going to.  This is required if you are
                                    moving a database or table.
 -toDatabase <arg>                  Database a moving table is going to.
                                    This is required if you are moving a
 -upgradeSchema                     Schema upgrade
 -upgradeSchemaFrom <upgradeFrom>   Schema upgrade from a version
 -url <url>                         connection url to the database
 -userName <user>                   Override config file user name
 -validate                          Validate the database
 -verbose                           only print SQL statements
Schema initialization failed!
+ '[' 1 -eq 0 ']'
+ echo 'Schema initialization failed!'
+ exit 1

The version of docker is *Docker version 24.0.5*, build ced0996. The
OS is *Linux version 5.15.0-82-generic (buildd@lcy02-amd64-046) (gcc
(Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.1) 9.4.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils for
Ubuntu) 2.34) #91~20.04.1-Ubuntu*.

Is this a bug with hive 3.1.3 image?

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