You've right.

grid.close() will shutdown entire cluster. It is way too much.
Take care,
Alexandre "Sasha" Boudnik

call me via Google Voice:
1(405) BUDNIKA
1(405) 283-6452

On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 3:18 AM, Anton Vinogradov
<> wrote:
> Alexandre,
> As far as I undesrtand "grid" is an Ignite instance.
> Could you please check that grid.close(); works correct in this case?
> On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 11:03 AM, Alexandre Boudnik
> <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> In my cluster, each node is running as web application. When web
>> application has been stopped and servlet context has been destroyed,
>> it needs to terminate the Ignite node. Unfortunately,
>> grid.cluster().stopNodes(Collections.singletonList(service.grid.cluster().localNode().id()));
>> terminates the entire jvm by calling System.exit().
>> Could you advise how to terminate/exclude the node from cluster but to
>> keep the web server process, and to be able to restart the node?
>> Take care,
>> Alexandre "Sasha" Boudnik
>> call me via Google Voice:
>> 1(405) BUDNIKA
>> 1(405) 283-6452

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