
You should not serialize cache instances. Actually your cache is already
created on all nodes of your cluster and you can obtain it using
ignite.cache(<name>) or ignite.getOrCreateCache(<name>) methods.

I assume that you try to start Ignite instance with default name from your
ComplexObjectProcessor but Ignite is started already. You can declare
Ignite reference in ComplexObjectProcessor and annotate it with
@IgniteInstanceResource. When your processor will be deserialized on remote
node Ignite instance will be injected automatically. It looks like this:

public class ComplexObjectProcessor {

    private Ignite ignite


Make sure that your ComplexObjectProcessor is regular class or inner static
class. Non-static inner class instances have reference to enclosing class
that will be serialized with inner class.

On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 9:08 PM, alpha centauri <helium...@hotmail.com>

> Hello,
> I'm a new Apache Ignite User. I'm trying to prototype a simple use case :
> 1. create two caches
> 2. read strings from a file and put them in the first cache
> 3. compute strings into complex objects put the complex objects into
> second cache
> My code looks like this :
> // Part 1
> final IgniteCache<Integer, String> cacheString =
> ignite.getOrCreateCache("somestrings");
> final IgniteCache<String, SomeObjects> cache =
> ignite.getOrCreateCache("someobjects");
> // Part 2
> try (IgniteDataStreamer<Integer, String> stmr =
> ignite.dataStreamer(cacheString.getName())) {
>                 stmr.allowOverwrite(true);
>                 try (BufferedReader br = Files.newReader(file,
> StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) {
>                     for (String line; (line = br.readLine()) != null; ) {
>                         if (line !=null && line.length() > 0) {
>                             stmr.addData(index, line);
>                         }
>                     }
>                 }
>             }
> // Part 3 is where I struggle and need help
> IgniteCompute compute = ignite.compute();
> for (int i = 0; i < cacheString.size(); i++) {
>          final int key = i;
>          compute.affinityRun(cacheString.getName(), key, new
> ComplexObjectProcessor(cache, cacheString.get(key)));
> }
> The issue is that the ComplexObjectProcessor is serialized to my grid
> nodes and if I put the destination cache, it will crash because the cache
> cannot be serialized. If I initialize the cache from my
> ComplexObjectProcessor, it will complain about the fact that Ignite has
> already been instanciated  outside. ComplexObjectProcessor has a lot of
> code so an inside/inline class is not an option.
> The cacheString contains 100Millions lines so I really want to split the
> complex object processor with compute tasks.
> Any solution? Or code sample would greatly help.
> Thks ahead,
> AC

Andrey Gura
GridGain Systems, Inc.

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