This is usually a problem with one-threaded benchmarks.

1. You should add a warm up step, i.e. have your system work for about a
minute before starting measuring.

2. You should decide whether your application will be single-threaded or
multi-threaded. If it is multi-threaded, then your test should also be

3. And finally you should verify that network works well in your
environment. Do you have 10G ethernet?


On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 8:27 PM, babu prasad <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have configured 2 ignite servers with a heap size of 8G each.
> Running with backups=1 and primary_sync mode.
> Ignite servers are being used as a write behind cache for my Aurora
> database.
> I am trying to run a load test with 3 clients talking to the remote cache
> in the 2 ignite servers.
> All the hosts are in the same availability zone.
> My clients do a simple put and I calculate time taken for put on the
> client side.
> long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
> cache.put(k, c1);
> long elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
> System.out.println("Total elapsed timein milliseconds: " + elapsedTime);
> Here is the latency from the last few requests:
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 31
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 29
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 26
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 28
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 28
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 27
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 27
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 29
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 26
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 26
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 27
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 27
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 28
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 28
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 27
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 26
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 27
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 28
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 27
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 26
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 26
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 29
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 26
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 27
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 26
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 27
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 29
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 27
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 28
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 26
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 27
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 27
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 27
> Total elapsed timein milliseconds: 29
> Not sure what is going on here. I am pretty sure I am doing something
> wrong here.
> Thanks!

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