
I am developing a messaging system with notifications via WebSockets (When
the user 'A' sends a message to the user 'B' I need to show a notification
for the user 'B' about a new message). Different users are connected to
different servers. I wonder to know if Apache Ignite is suitable for this
kind of situation.
I am on the design stage right now. I think that it have to be like this:
1. User 'A' sends a message to the user 'B'
2. Server which is connected with the user 'A' receives the message.
3. Server which is connected with the user 'A' sends the message to the
Apache Ignite.
4. Apache Ignite somehow understands to which server it has to deliver the
5. Apache Ignite sends the message to the server which is connected with
the user 'B'.
6. Server which is connected with the user 'B' sends a notification to the
user 'B' through the WebSocket.

Maybe I am wrong about the design for real time notifications. Maybe it has
to be done in totally different way. I haven't found the information about
building notifications in the distributed project.

Is it possible to build such a system with Apache Ignite or Apache Ignite
isn't suitable for such purposes?


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