No, currently I add items much slower than add them, there is no
accumulation of items in the queue, i clear the queue once in 30 seconds
removing all items from the queue, the data in the queue is different from
the data in the EventsCache. can entities from events cache end up in this
internal datastarcutures_0 cache? since in the memory dump I could see
entities from EventsCache and not the queue?
I am seeing the following log , even though i doubt it, could it be somehow
connected, i do implement externalizable interface, should i switch to
binary marshaller? is it relevant at all to the memory issue?
cannot be serialized using BinaryMarshaller because it either implements
Externalizable interface or have writeObject/readObject methods

On Thu, Nov 24, 2016 at 1:04 PM, dkarachentsev <dkarachent...@gridgain.com>

> Hi,
> Yes, you're right, this is a cache that holds data for distributed
> datastructures, and IgniteQueue as well. Is it possible that you add items
> to queue faster than poll?
> TxCommittedVersionsSize and TxRolledbackVersionsSize are common for all
> caches and just store versions of finished transactions, so if you have
> transactional cache you'll find that values greater than zero if there was
> made transactions. Don't worry about size, it's number finite (default is
> 262144) and takes small amount of memory.
> --
> View this message in context: http://apache-ignite-users.
> 70518.x6.nabble.com/Cache-Memory-Behavior-GridDhtLocalPartition-
> tp8835p9185.html
> Sent from the Apache Ignite Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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